catalyst: dl140 – beach friJay

catalyst: dl140 – beach friJay

This is the set I’d play if I were spinning at Blue Marlin beach club in Ibiza around 16:00. It’s after lunch, everybody has plenty of Rosé wine in their blood, and these tunes would make you get up out of your beach chair and dance just a weeee bit with a glass of wine or cocktail in-hand. (Can you tell I’m missing summer in Ibiza???)

I hope these tracks from Sandy Rivera, Fred Everything, Giom, Shur-I-Kan, Tiger Stripes, Kerri Chandler, Kevin Fisher, Andy Caldwell and more will bring an Ibiza summer to you whenever, and wherever you are. Track listing at my Mixcloud page for the set.

(PS – my real name is Jay; thus the podcast name ?. Thanks to a DL faithful listener for coming up with the name friJay (you know who you are ????) in chat during the set.)


Spinner of a broad variety of electronic music, but with a core love for deep house, really good electro / techno (for dancing), and trap / dubstep (as long as it's melodic, and epic.)

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