Tyago K pres. Lost in Deep

Tyago K pres. Lost in Deep

Enjoy!!! 😉




11 Comments on “Tyago K pres. Lost in Deep

  1. this set is so good, what is the name of the song that starts at around 53:00 i really like it alot

  2. Sick Vibe, love your mix!!!BTW, hear this track many times, but not sure what it is called about 27:00 min in!! can you give me info please, love the base-line and the voice, sounds a bit like atjazz~ remix!!

    Peace, love your dope!!

    dj enigma, toronto, canada!!

  3. Thank you all for you support guys!! well Mark the track at 53min is called: Imotion “love”… and enigma the track at 27min is: Dj Ino “My way” (Charles Webster remix).
    C u in a beat!! 😉

    Tyago K

  4. what a great set!!!! just make me travel like in old days mate. grande tiago. velha guarda sempre companheiro 🙂

  5. Hey Tyago…

    As always, a great mix!!!

    Could you tell me the name of the first track ?


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