Voodoo Lopez: Procastination 1

Voodoo Lopez: Procastination 1

First December mix. Cold days over the sea, but with nice clear blue sky. I’m looking the panorama asking me about where the summer is hide. “Procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. Some psychologists cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. Other psychologists indicate that anxiety is just as likely to get people to start working early as late and the focus should be impulsiveness. That is, anxiety will cause people to delay only if they are impulsive” (Wikipedia)

Yes, sometimes happens to me. Delaying important things to do in order to don’t do nothing at last. `Cos maybe now is time for some relax and happiness !!

Hope you enjoy the selection and a big hug to all the loungers there in chat during the mix.

Deeper vibes from Atlantic south coast of Spain to make you travel on Deep House, Soulful House, Disco, Tech House, Dub Tech and all about House music culture

6 Comments on “Voodoo Lopez: Procastination 1

  1. Yes, I’m procastinating my whole life making other things but music. If I could live making this, it would be heaven.
    Thanks people for the support.

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